Sunday, August 26, 2012

THE Catholic University of America

So the young prince is officially away at college. The Catholic University of America. Big emphasis on "the" - because it is the only pontifical university in the US. I left him yesterday afternoon after 2+days of orientation - my tears were stuffed until later, big hugs and I walked away. Just. Like.That.
It's over. Well as any parent knows, not really, but it is a big bleeping deal, this drop off at the new school. And I thought kindergarten was hard. Well.

One consolation is the school itself. Or rather the vision the school projects. I was impressed with  the consistent themes across all the presentations - class wide and program specific- over and over I heard "life of faith, cultivation of virtue, respect for the human person, dignity of the person, care for the poor, commitment to serve". And his departmental presentation - business and economics - was inspirational. The chair, Dr.Abela, is Maltese (great accent) and he talked about the desire for success and what that means. And that is much more than just money. By the time he was done I was very pleased that Brian would be in their department - which as of next year will be its own school, splitting with the college of arts and sciences.

There seems to be a lot of attention to the individual and I have little concern that my boy will get lost - too many people are engaged in making sure he doesn't. But I suspect he's not too sure he wants to be so far from home, his family and friends. We'll see if this distance is tolerable for him.  At least he has his brother who is a senior here.

We'll be okay. Eventually.

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